Dr. Hassan Hathout
Dr. Hassan Hathout

Audible Silence

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1. Audible Silence

My little flat in California overlooks a beautiful garden and an expanse of green hills. I usually tell my family, "When you see me relaxing on my recliner seat just gazing nowhere and doing nothing, then please 'Do Not Disturb', for I probably am very busy."

This quiet time once or more everyday has become an essential part of my life and has proven most valuable to me. New ideas and insights just condense on the slate of my mind like dew drops, solutions to problems and queries just float in, proper appraisal and criticism of what I did or plan to do, and, most important, such nearness to God that inspires me to know what He wants me to do. It is unfortunate that modern times have largely denied most people the valuable fruits of this "quiet time". Modern life engages people for all their waking hours and any surplus is taken up by television or other entertainment. The sad thing about it is that human beings are not even aware of what they are missing.

Many of these thoughts have guided my life and found their way to my talks and writings. I feel further enriched to share some of them with whoever is interested.



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